Monday, April 19, 2010


I haven't been able to show anything.

Most things I'm working on right now I can't show on here because of the buyers so I've been having to post random other things. But I've been working on funny fruit and animal designs for Delia's, Urban Outfitters, and some other apparel stores. I've been having to research for these projects. I even used a drawing from my friend's 6 year old son.

So anyways, here are some that I found funny.

Monday, April 5, 2010

more inspiration

We're taking it back...

I've been so into 80s design lately. It is so cool to look at. The typography, the colors, everything. I'm not even sure how they went about designing in the 80s. Photoshop and Illustrator didn't exist. I guess they were just actually GOOD. I kid. Kinda.

None of these were done in the 80s but still, they are influenced by it.

Here are a few to peep.

This clashes very much with my current projects, but I'll be able to get to something like this soon!